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How much does it cost to create an online store site?

An online store is a serious site that needs to be well protected, because customers’ transactions will pass through it. Therefore, its creation should be approached with maximum attention. There are three ways to get an online store: order in the web-studio, create yourself on the CMS or use the site builder. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method in order to understand which is effective.

How much does it cost to order an online store in a web studio
If you have never been involved in the development of sites, then a logical solution would be to turn to professionals who add all the necessary modules:
management system;
order form;
online payment facilities;
SSL certificate to encrypt data.
Unique on this site will only design. All functionalities are represented by standard tools that these developers used in other online stores. There is no point in creating them from scratch: every module needs to be tested and debugged. Why do this if there is a ready-made solution?

The cost of creating an online store in a web studio starts from 45 000 rubles. The main advantage of the method is clear: you do not have the skills to start the site, so you go and buy the finished product. You tell what you want to get, listen to why it is difficult / impossible / too expensive and as a result you make a regular online store with basic functionality.

There is a serious drawback in creating a website through a web studio – you do not know how to work with a resource, and when it becomes necessary to update it or add modules, you will have to pay again.

The money will be spent on technical support, because in case of errors, only creators or other specialists, whose work is also paid from the pocket of the owner of the online store, can deal with them.

In collaboration with web studios, there is one more disadvantage: they often include services that do not require any effort. For example, registration in search engines. You can independently inform the search engines that you have a website – it is free and takes 5 minutes. Or not to report – search robots will see it themselves. Web studios will not charge a fee for registration, but will definitely indicate it in the list of works to emphasize the completeness of their implementation.

The cost of creating an online store in the CMS
If you decide to make the site yourself, one of the options would be to use a CMS. This can be a free “engine” that supports an online store module or a paid system that is geared towards online sales. In any case, you will have to plan spending on hosting, which will host the site.

There is nothing complicated about installing a CMS on a hosting. Popular engines are deployed on the server in one click, creating a database and all the necessary directories for normal sites. If there is no automatic installation, you can upload files to the hosting manually – there is a detailed manual for each CMS.

CMS has advantages that make it a good solution for creating an online store:

Expansion of the site by adding plugins.
Stable work and convenient site management.
High security (especially when it comes to paid systems).
Among the shortcomings is the need to learn at least HTML and CSS for normal work with the site. Many things on the CMS can be implemented using plug-ins, but the more you add them, the stronger the load on the server. This leads to an increase in load time and the number of visitors bounce.

In addition, after installing the CMS you are left alone with all the errors and failures. There is no web studio that will fix the problem, or technical support. You can ask for help from hosting support, but they will only do what is within their competence and relate to placing the site on the server.

When operating an online store on a CMS, the owner assumes all risks. The system needs to be kept up to date, take care of its security, study which plugins can be added and which ones can harm. Such a site takes a lot of time, if you do not hire a person who will be fully responsible for his work and content.

Creating an online store in the site builder is the cheapest option
If you want to create an online store without spending a lot of time and money, website designer will be the best solution. The main complaint to the designers is the low functionality associated with the limited available tools. To make sure that this is not true, create an online store on the uCoz designer. This is a powerful service, the functionality of which is comparable to CMS.
At uCoz there is a module for an online store, with which you can assemble an online storefront with an unlimited amount of goods.

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