404 error - a selection of beautiful pages, tips for improvement
“Error 404 or Not Found (not found) —the standard HTTP response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server cannot find data as…

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Site redesign: what is it and who needs it?
It's no secret that design is the first thing visitors pay attention to. It is the visual design that is one of the factors that makes even a randomly passing…

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Errors in site design: 8 ways to spoil the site
What are the mistakes in design? Design is very closely related to usability, they are inseparable. After all, design has a huge impact on the final perception and on the…


Free hosting with PHP and MySQL - myth or reality?
Creating the first site, people usually try not to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the priority of solutions that do not require financial investments: free tariff on…

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Forum or comments: what is better for business?
In the process of developing the company's website at a certain point, the challenge arises - we need a constant influx of fresh, relevant and unique content. He really likes…


are exceptions.

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How to create a one-page website (landing page) for sales

A one-page site, also known as landing, is a popular way of selling a product or service on the Internet. For each product or service is a separate page with all the necessary data – this is the main sales rule. Accordingly, the page should be attractive, functional – in general, selling.

What should be a one-page site?
There is no perfect landing, but you still need to strive for perfection. A well-designed one-page site should contain the following blocks: Continue reading

How to create a travel agency website

Travel agency – this is the type of business that is obliged to have a “representation” on the Internet. A modern client will never go to a travel agency without prior preparation. He needs to first find out the current, “hot” trips, read reviews about the company on the network, get information about the necessary documents – he does all this at home, without getting up from the sofa. Continue reading

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How to create a one-page website (landing page) for sales
A one-page site, also known as landing, is a popular way of selling a product or service on the Internet. For each product or service is a separate page with…


10 important elements of a portfolio site
The first thing they create a portfolio site for is to show examples of their work. But this is only 1/10 of what should be on the site, so that…


Choose a website builder with free hosting and domain
Which designer to choose? For those who want to create a high-level site, the uKit service will be the best option. He has everything in order with the functionality, there…
