How to create a landing page cheap
When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think - “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of…

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404 error - a selection of beautiful pages, tips for improvement
“Error 404 or Not Found (not found) —the standard HTTP response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server cannot find data as…

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What is the difference between landing on a separate domain and selling page on the site? What's better?
What is autumn landing The term "landing" is a tracing from English "landing", translated as "landing." Based only on the translation, landing can be called any web page on which…


Site creation and optimization, or why it is necessary to optimize the site at the time of its creation
“They meet each other by their clothes and see them off by their minds” - this saying very well describes the current state of affairs with most of the sites…

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Choose a website builder with free hosting and domain
Which designer to choose? For those who want to create a high-level site, the uKit service will be the best option. He has everything in order with the functionality, there…


help make the

How to create a landing page cheap

When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think – “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of a freelancer and seeing a price tag of 50 thousand, you might think that this is an approximate price for such a site. Meanwhile, creating a great landing page can be much cheaper by spending from several minutes to several days. Continue reading

How to create a mobile site

Since 2015, search engines have paid attention to mobility, which has become one of the aspects of ranking in extradition. So Mobile Friendly is not only a concern for visitors, but also an important condition for promoting a web resource.

Best services for creating a mobile site
If earlier, to create a mobile version, at least knowledge of HTML and CSS was required, now you can solve the problem with the help of site designers. Popular services offer adaptive templates that do not need to be customized separately – by default, they display the content correctly depending on the screen resolution. From the point of view of the convenience of creating a website and the number of adaptive templates, two designers are the best – uKit and Wix. Continue reading

How to create a construction company site

At first glance, it seems that to create such a site you need to go to a web studio or learn a powerful CMS. In fact, you can assemble it yourself and without programming skills – with the help of site designers. They offer adaptive thematic templates and customize the content of the pages in the visual editor, which allows you to create a website in a few days. Continue reading

How to create a site teacher
The best services to create a teacher's site It is unlikely that many teachers will find time for independent study of programming languages ​​or extra money to order a site…


What will be the sites in 2019
According to statistics from various analytical agencies, the average site visitor takes about 3 seconds to figure out whether he likes the site or not. And in the latter case,…


How to create a law firm website (lawyer)
Creating a website for a law firm in the constructor will take several days, even if there was no such experience before. But to get a good result, which will…
