10 important elements of a portfolio site
The first thing they create a portfolio site for is to show examples of their work. But this is only 1/10 of what should be on the site, so that…

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What is a favicon and why is it needed?
A website icon or favicon is an extremely useful and necessary thing for any site. Let's take a look at what it is and how it will help in promoting…

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Themes of repair and construction: is it worth ordering a selling page?
Construction and repair are the most competitive topics of the Runet today, which means that it will be rather difficult to move through them in natural delivery. In order to…


How to create a website photographer
Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio - examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or…

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7 logo creation applications
Usually, when the idea of ​​a business is formed and a product or service that the company will offer in the market is already known, one thing is missing -…


but the difference

Free hosting with PHP and MySQL – myth or reality?

Creating the first site, people usually try not to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the priority of solutions that do not require financial investments: free tariff on the site builder, free hosting, preferably with support for PHP and MySQL, but without advertising. Finding the right options is really possible: but is it worth using such “gifts”? Continue reading

How to create a landing page cheap

When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think – “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of a freelancer and seeing a price tag of 50 thousand, you might think that this is an approximate price for such a site. Meanwhile, creating a great landing page can be much cheaper by spending from several minutes to several days. Continue reading

How to create a website for a restaurant or cafe
Restaurant site is a great way to advertise a place. On it you can place a menu, interior photos, customer reviews - all this will help attract new visitors. You…


How to create a website photographer
Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio - examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or…


Which site builder to choose?
What are the designers? Designers can be classified according to various criteria: payment / gratuity, country of origin, number of templates, etc. But the first thing that should interest the…
