How to create a website for auto service
Before you start creating a site, look at the pages of competitors. You will certainly highlight common positive and negative points, because everyone to some extent copies each other. There…

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Which site builder to choose?
What are the designers? Designers can be classified according to various criteria: payment / gratuity, country of origin, number of templates, etc. But the first thing that should interest the…

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How to create a good website: the basic principles and stages
Until now, there are companies that create websites based on the principle “since competitors have one, then we need to”. A web studio or webmaster is tasked with simply creating…


5 rules and 4 life hacking to create an effective website for a B2B business
In the realities of the fact that sites have long been one of the key business tools, many are interested in two questions: “How to make a really working website?”…

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How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide
If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site…


What is a favicon and why is it needed?
A website icon or favicon is an extremely useful and necessary thing for any site. Let's take a look at what it is and how it will help in promoting…


How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide
If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site…


How to create a company website
The company's website also solves the advertising problem, allowing you to increase the reach of customers and find new partners. Therefore, if the organization does not yet have a page…
