Accepting payments on the site: what you need to know and how to set up
The question of accepting payments arises before each owner of an online store - starting with the choice of payment methods and ending with their connection to the site. You…

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How to create a mobile site
Since 2015, search engines have paid attention to mobility, which has become one of the aspects of ranking in extradition. So Mobile Friendly is not only a concern for visitors,…

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How to create a law firm website (lawyer)
Creating a website for a law firm in the constructor will take several days, even if there was no such experience before. But to get a good result, which will…


How to create a medical clinic website
The site of a medical clinic is a working way of reaching a new audience and increasing the number of clients. In Russia, for example, it is also the requirement…

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Free hosting - advantages and disadvantages
Entrepreneurial people sooner or later have to create a personal website, forum, etc. In order for the subscribers of the network to use their projects, the sites must be placed…


landing pages

How to create a one-page website (landing page) for sales

A one-page site, also known as landing, is a popular way of selling a product or service on the Internet. For each product or service is a separate page with all the necessary data – this is the main sales rule. Accordingly, the page should be attractive, functional – in general, selling.

What should be a one-page site?
There is no perfect landing, but you still need to strive for perfection. A well-designed one-page site should contain the following blocks: Continue reading

How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide

If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site designers at our disposal – it is with their help that we can move the activity of a real estate agency into the sphere of online services.

Which site designers are suitable for such a project? Continue reading

How to create a website photographer

Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio – examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or in a real meeting, but with a high demand for services, you will have to do this almost all your free time.

To save precious watches and provide users with the maximum amount of information, you need to create your online business card. Let’s figure out how to create a website for the photographer, and what is it for? Continue reading

How to create a doctor's website
Doctor site functionality Websites of medical organizations and individual specialists are required to provide the following information to visitors: Documents confirming the right to carry out activities. Services, their cost…


How much does it cost to create an online store site?
An online store is a serious site that needs to be well protected, because customers' transactions will pass through it. Therefore, its creation should be approached with maximum attention. There…


10 important elements of a portfolio site
The first thing they create a portfolio site for is to show examples of their work. But this is only 1/10 of what should be on the site, so that…
