How to create a site on Tilda - step by step instructions
Tilda is a powerful website builder with a visual block-type editor. Suitable for creating landing pages, business cards, business sites, as well as special projects for the media: longrid, photo…

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How to create a hotel site (mini-hotel)
The site of the hotel does not require the introduction of some unusual services and special systems - to work effectively it is enough to be attractive, informative and functional…

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Errors in site design: 8 ways to spoil the site
What are the mistakes in design? Design is very closely related to usability, they are inseparable. After all, design has a huge impact on the final perception and on the…


How to create a business card site yourself
Online Business Card is an easy way to demonstrate your presence on the Internet by showing customers basic information about a company or specialist. Usually business cards consist of several…

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7 logo creation applications
Usually, when the idea of ​​a business is formed and a product or service that the company will offer in the market is already known, one thing is missing -…


How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide
If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site…


How to create a website cleaning company
Good site cleaning company - what is it? To discover the recipe for creating a good site, you will have to revise dozens of pages of competitors. They can spy…


Step by step: improve the download speed of the site
Nobody likes the slow site - neither users nor search engines. With the current speed of the Internet, people are no longer ready to wait long for the page to…
