How many website developers do you need to screw in a light bulb?
Do you want an effective site, but do not understand why in all reputable agencies its creation is so expensive? After all, you can simply pay the freelancer many times less and also get your page, or even go to the site builder, click the “Create” button – and you’re done! These methods can be recommended, but only if such a parameter as “efficiency” is not important for you.
Unfortunately, many of those who want their site do not take this into account when they pay a penny to freelance students or spend time on designers. As a result, in 99 cases out of 100 you have to forget about this site and do everything from scratch. At first, it would seem, everything is fine: the design is pleasing to the eye, the texts will simply be read, many animations – in general, everything you need for happiness. Then there comes a time when you need to do promotion of the site. And here SEO-specialists already remove his rose-colored glasses from the owner of the “masterpiece”.
History of one site
A good example from our practice. The client came with an online store created on the constructor.
I wanted to make a redesign, but its designer did not give such an opportunity.
They offered to create a new site, but it was not affordable for the customer.
The client wanted to improve the current site through minor improvements.
For the year of such edits a huge amount has accumulated, and in total it cost even more than the new site would have cost.
As a result, the client still had to order a new site, because taking into account all the innovations in the work of search engines, its resource on the designer could not compete with the full-fledged sites on the CMS.
Conclusion: If you decide to create a website, then you need to understand that this is not a one-time event. You need to lay in it the possibility of future refinement and improvement depending on the latest trends in SEO and web design, regarding the situation in the market, the emergence of new competitors or innovations in your subject, after all, taking into account the prospects for business growth.
Yes, this is understandable, but why is it so expensive? What am I paying that kind of money for?
To take into account and correctly implement all the conditions for creating the most effective site, we need a whole team of developers, in which everyone will be responsible for the stage in which he is a specialist.
Gorgeous top five and goalkeeper, or who is working to create an effective site
Usability department
The specialists of this department think over the structure of the future site, reveal the peculiarities of the client’s audience behavior, give recommendations on the location of the elements on the site, so that the visitor eventually comes to the target action. All ideas are previously agreed with the department of web technologists to understand what can be implemented and what is not. All this is then reflected in the wiframe – this is a schematic image of the site. Just as before building the house you need to make a drawing, before creating the site you need to make a wiframe, so that the performers and the customer understand what the result should be.
Example wireframe for an online coffee shop:
Sample wireframe for an online coffee shop
Copywriting department
Accept usability from usability and fill it with a selling and informative text. Nothing extra. The work is being done in collaboration with an SEO specialist who preliminarily selects keys and develops a relevance map. Copywriters write texts taking into account key requests and prescribe meta tags.
Design department
Using the technical task, compiled on the basis of the wiframe, the text and the wishes of the client, an individual website design is developed that will not only be beautiful, but also understandable for the user + will not interfere with the promotion. It happens that in the pursuit of originality of design, some developers overload the resource with complex elements, this will increase the download speed and affect the correctness of the display on mobile devices, which, in turn, is bad for promotion.
Webtechnology department
Turn all the works of previous professionals into a working site. Install a convenient and modern content management system. Customize the animation (in reasonable quantities), add the necessary functionality, make a semantic layout of contacts and product cards (again, good for SEO). Make edits, then make edits again, and then a little more edits.
SEO department
To this department is not applicable ordinal numbering. They participate in every development stage, if required. Ensure that each performer takes into account the requirements for optimization. Then check the finished site again, configure the xml sitemap and the robots.txt file. If the project immediately comes to a comprehensive promotion (which is recommended), then the same SEO specialist leads the site further, making the Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console settings, works with the reference mass + completes the content.
+ Goalkeeper – Project Manager
Responsible for the creation of the site to the client. Coordinates each stage, catches edits and reflects inadequate. It controls that each performer does his job efficiently and on time, or else you will have to fight a lot.