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Moguta CMS Review

In 2015, we launched a series of review articles on various management systems (CMS) for online stores, where we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each CMS.

Here is what we have already seen in the 3 previous articles:

Part 1: Nethouse, HostCMS, Simpla and 1C-Bitrix

Part 2: InSales, OpenCart, CS-Cart and WordPress

Part 3: PrestaShop, Diafan.CMS, AdvantShop, VirtueMart

Today we present you another CMS – Moguta (by the way, our partner). The system review was prepared by Alexander Shevchenko, content manager Moguta. Let’s see what is remarkable about the system. Consider the CMS for such characteristics:

Control Panel
Product catalog and its capabilities
Integration with other services
Creating simple text pages
Work with seo-parameters
Moguta.CMS is a modern, convenient and functional site management system designed for online stores. Developed since 2012.

Over 9,000 sites are already running on this platform.

You can work with Moguta.CMS without special knowledge and skills – the control panel is convenient and intuitive, and all the necessary tools for effective sales on the Internet are already built into the system, you can edit the content directly on the site without logging in to the admin area (Edit-in-Place) . Web developers will appreciate the flexibility of CMS and detailed documentation for the development of additional modules that extend the functionality of the site.

Quick installation of the site, the necessary functionality for the online store, a wide selection of templates and additional modules (plug-ins) will help open the online store without unnecessary investments.

Installing Moguta.CMS is no different from installing other CMS.

You will need:

The domain name associated with the hosting.
MySQL database.
Hosting must meet the system requirements of Moguta.CMS:

Hosting with an operating system – Unix.
The minimum amount of RAM is 128 MB (the more goods are planned, the more memory is needed).
Databases – MySQL 5+ with storage system support: MyISAM.
Web server – Apache 2.2.x. A combination of Apache 2.2.x and nginx (frontend) is recommended.
PHP 5.3+ interpreter with installed modules: session, json, curl, php_zip, gd_lib, xmlwriter, xmlreader.
The rights to delete and add CHMOD 755 files to the root folder of the site and all subfolders and files attached to it. The owner of the files must match the owner of the web server.
To install, you will need to download the installation file index.php to the root directory of your hosting site, go to the main page using any browser and follow the instructions of the system installation wizard.

System Setup Wizard

The process takes no more than 5 minutes, after installation you get an online store that is completely ready for sales.

Control panel site
One of the most important advantages of Moguta.CMS is a convenient, intuitive control panel.

You can access it by typing in the address bar: http: // your_site / mg-admin. Often, the control panel is also called the “admin”, from the word administrator.

Moguta.CMS logo – it is forbidden to change it in the control panel according to the terms of use.
Sections of the control panel – each section manages its components of the store (products, pages, orders …).
The CMS version is an indicator of the version of Moguta.CMS being used.
Store statistics – provides a summary schedule of online store sales.
Quantitative indicator – indicates the number of orders that require the attention of the manager.
Interface Language – allows you to select one of the available language locales. Applies to control panel only.
Button to go to the site – click to open the main page of the site.
Exit from the control panel – by clicking it, it unlocks the administrator.

Control panel sections

Products – in this section, you can create a detailed product card, edit existing products, and remove them from the catalog. Upload and / or upload a catalog in CSV format. Upload directory in yml format – for uploading to Yandex.Market.

Categories – here you can create, edit, delete categories, set markups and discounts for categories.

Pages – in this section you can create, edit, delete information pages of the site.

* For the above sections, an SEO settings block is available – for optimizing website pages.

Orders – this section contains all the information about completed orders, which can be printed, edited, cloned, deleted. Convenient filter allows you to find all the necessary orders, as well as to perform the same actions for multiple orders.

Buyers – this section displays a list of all registered users, you can view information about each, change data, close access to your personal account. In addition, you can register users and upload the list to a CSV file for further use, for example, for email newsletters.

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