How to create a site on Tilda - step by step instructions
Tilda is a powerful website builder with a visual block-type editor. Suitable for creating landing pages, business cards, business sites, as well as special projects for the media: longrid, photo…

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Site creation and optimization, or why it is necessary to optimize the site at the time of its creation
“They meet each other by their clothes and see them off by their minds” - this saying very well describes the current state of affairs with most of the sites…

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Which site builder to choose?
What are the designers? Designers can be classified according to various criteria: payment / gratuity, country of origin, number of templates, etc. But the first thing that should interest the…


Site creation and optimization, or why it is necessary to optimize the site at the time of its creation
“They meet each other by their clothes and see them off by their minds” - this saying very well describes the current state of affairs with most of the sites…

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How many website developers do you need to screw in a light bulb?
Do you want an effective site, but do not understand why in all reputable agencies its creation is so expensive? After all, you can simply pay the freelancer many times…


be in the main

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How much does it cost to create a site from scratch. Make yourself or order turnkey?

Create a site from scratch
It may take a long time between the idea of ​​creating a site and launching the first site. The choice of the method of creation also influences. Creation tools are also important. Mainly for site development use:

Designers are platforms for creating websites with no programming skills. The easiest tool with which any user can collect a business card, a company website, a blog, a landing page, an online store. Famous sites – uCoz, uKit, Wix. Continue reading

How to create a website photographer

Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio – examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or in a real meeting, but with a high demand for services, you will have to do this almost all your free time.

To save precious watches and provide users with the maximum amount of information, you need to create your online business card. Let’s figure out how to create a website for the photographer, and what is it for? Continue reading

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How much does it cost to make a website: an honest review of prices
Talking about the role of a good site in the promotion of business is meaningless - and so everything is clear. More interested in the question: how much does it…


What is the difference between landing on a separate domain and selling page on the site? What's better?
What is autumn landing The term "landing" is a tracing from English "landing", translated as "landing." Based only on the translation, landing can be called any web page on which…


How to create a law firm website (lawyer)
Creating a website for a law firm in the constructor will take several days, even if there was no such experience before. But to get a good result, which will…
