How to create a good website: the basic principles and stages
Until now, there are companies that create websites based on the principle “since competitors have one, then we need to”. A web studio or webmaster is tasked with simply creating…

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How to create a doctor's website
Doctor site functionality Websites of medical organizations and individual specialists are required to provide the following information to visitors: Documents confirming the right to carry out activities. Services, their cost…

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Free hosting with PHP and MySQL - myth or reality?
Creating the first site, people usually try not to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the priority of solutions that do not require financial investments: free tariff on…


Forum or comments: what is better for business?
In the process of developing the company's website at a certain point, the challenge arises - we need a constant influx of fresh, relevant and unique content. He really likes…

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How to create a website photographer
Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio - examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or…


Entrepreneurial people

How to create a good website: the basic principles and stages
Until now, there are companies that create websites based on the principle “since competitors have one, then we need to”. A web studio or webmaster is tasked with simply creating…


How to create a mobile site
Since 2015, search engines have paid attention to mobility, which has become one of the aspects of ranking in extradition. So Mobile Friendly is not only a concern for visitors,…


How to create a website for a restaurant or cafe
Restaurant site is a great way to advertise a place. On it you can place a menu, interior photos, customer reviews - all this will help attract new visitors. You…
