Site creation and optimization, or why it is necessary to optimize the site at the time of its creation
“They meet each other by their clothes and see them off by their minds” - this saying very well describes the current state of affairs with most of the sites…

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Как осуществить сварку своими руками
How to create a website photographer
Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio - examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or…

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10 important elements of a portfolio site
The first thing they create a portfolio site for is to show examples of their work. But this is only 1/10 of what should be on the site, so that…


How to create a business card site yourself
Online Business Card is an easy way to demonstrate your presence on the Internet by showing customers basic information about a company or specialist. Usually business cards consist of several…

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How to create a landing page cheap
When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think - “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of…


site should

How to create a one-page website (landing page) for sales

A one-page site, also known as landing, is a popular way of selling a product or service on the Internet. For each product or service is a separate page with all the necessary data – this is the main sales rule. Accordingly, the page should be attractive, functional – in general, selling.

What should be a one-page site?
There is no perfect landing, but you still need to strive for perfection. A well-designed one-page site should contain the following blocks: Continue reading

How to create a website for a restaurant or cafe
Restaurant site is a great way to advertise a place. On it you can place a menu, interior photos, customer reviews - all this will help attract new visitors. You…


How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide
If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site…


Selection and optimization of images for the site
Every day we see a huge number of images on the Internet: looking through social networks, reading articles, choosing products and do not even notice how they affect our attention…
