How to create a doctor's website
Doctor site functionality Websites of medical organizations and individual specialists are required to provide the following information to visitors: Documents confirming the right to carry out activities. Services, their cost…

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What will be the sites in 2019
According to statistics from various analytical agencies, the average site visitor takes about 3 seconds to figure out whether he likes the site or not. And in the latter case,…

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Themes of repair and construction: is it worth ordering a selling page?
Construction and repair are the most competitive topics of the Runet today, which means that it will be rather difficult to move through them in natural delivery. In order to…


How to create a site on Tilda - step by step instructions
Tilda is a powerful website builder with a visual block-type editor. Suitable for creating landing pages, business cards, business sites, as well as special projects for the media: longrid, photo…

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Choose a website builder with free hosting and domain
Which designer to choose? For those who want to create a high-level site, the uKit service will be the best option. He has everything in order with the functionality, there…


right example

How much does it cost to make a website: an honest review of prices
Talking about the role of a good site in the promotion of business is meaningless - and so everything is clear. More interested in the question: how much does it…


How to create a company website
The company's website also solves the advertising problem, allowing you to increase the reach of customers and find new partners. Therefore, if the organization does not yet have a page…


How to create a landing page cheap
When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think - “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of…
