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What is a favicon and why is it needed?
A website icon or favicon is an extremely useful and necessary thing for any site. Let’s take a look at what it is and how it will help in promoting your site.
The main advantages
Improves the appearance of the site in search results
This is clearly seen in the image above. Sites that have an icon are not only more visible in the search, but also cause more trust among users. Continue reading
Site redesign: what is it and who needs it?
It’s no secret that design is the first thing visitors pay attention to.
It is the visual design that is one of the factors that makes even a randomly passing person stay on the site.
Among the developers, there is an opinion that the site design should be updated at least once in 5 years.
Redesign is not just a design change. This kind of procedure also implies serious changes in the functionality of the resource, up to transfer to another, more convenient CMS. Continue reading
Moguta CMS Review
In 2015, we launched a series of review articles on various management systems (CMS) for online stores, where we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each CMS.
Here is what we have already seen in the 3 previous articles:
Part 1: Nethouse, HostCMS, Simpla and 1C-Bitrix
Part 2: InSales, OpenCart, CS-Cart and WordPress
Part 3: PrestaShop, Diafan.CMS, AdvantShop, VirtueMart Continue reading