Accepting payments on the site: what you need to know and how to set up
The question of accepting payments arises before each owner of an online store - starting with the choice of payment methods and ending with their connection to the site. You…

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How to create a website photographer
Every photographer who wants to succeed in their work must necessarily provide their clients with a portfolio - examples of their work. This can be done in personal correspondence or…

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How to create a medical clinic website
The site of a medical clinic is a working way of reaching a new audience and increasing the number of clients. In Russia, for example, it is also the requirement…


How to create a site on Tilda - step by step instructions
Tilda is a powerful website builder with a visual block-type editor. Suitable for creating landing pages, business cards, business sites, as well as special projects for the media: longrid, photo…

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How much does it cost to create a site from scratch. Make yourself or order turnkey?
Create a site from scratch It may take a long time between the idea of ​​creating a site and launching the first site. The choice of the method of creation…


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How much does it cost to create an online store site?

An online store is a serious site that needs to be well protected, because customers’ transactions will pass through it. Therefore, its creation should be approached with maximum attention. There are three ways to get an online store: order in the web-studio, create yourself on the CMS or use the site builder. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method in order to understand which is effective. Continue reading

How to create a real estate agency website: a practical guide
If you think that creating such a site requires spending hundreds of thousands of rubles or long months of work, then this is not so. Today we have ready site…


How to create a one-page website (landing page) for sales
A one-page site, also known as landing, is a popular way of selling a product or service on the Internet. For each product or service is a separate page with…


How to create a travel agency website
Travel agency - this is the type of business that is obliged to have a "representation" on the Internet. A modern client will never go to a travel agency without…
