How much does it cost to create an online store site?
An online store is a serious site that needs to be well protected, because customers' transactions will pass through it. Therefore, its creation should be approached with maximum attention. There…

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Site redesign: what is it and who needs it?
It's no secret that design is the first thing visitors pay attention to. It is the visual design that is one of the factors that makes even a randomly passing…

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Step by step: improve the download speed of the site
Nobody likes the slow site - neither users nor search engines. With the current speed of the Internet, people are no longer ready to wait long for the page to…


How to create a good website: the basic principles and stages
Until now, there are companies that create websites based on the principle “since competitors have one, then we need to”. A web studio or webmaster is tasked with simply creating…

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How to create a website for auto service
Before you start creating a site, look at the pages of competitors. You will certainly highlight common positive and negative points, because everyone to some extent copies each other. There…


without programming

Step by step: improve the download speed of the site
Nobody likes the slow site - neither users nor search engines. With the current speed of the Internet, people are no longer ready to wait long for the page to…


Moguta CMS Review
In 2015, we launched a series of review articles on various management systems (CMS) for online stores, where we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each CMS. Here is…


Moguta CMS Review
In 2015, we launched a series of review articles on various management systems (CMS) for online stores, where we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each CMS. Here is…
