How to create a website cleaning company
Good site cleaning company - what is it? To discover the recipe for creating a good site, you will have to revise dozens of pages of competitors. They can spy…

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How to create a mobile site
Since 2015, search engines have paid attention to mobility, which has become one of the aspects of ranking in extradition. So Mobile Friendly is not only a concern for visitors,…

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5 rules and 4 life hacking to create an effective website for a B2B business
In the realities of the fact that sites have long been one of the key business tools, many are interested in two questions: “How to make a really working website?”…


7 logo creation applications
Usually, when the idea of ​​a business is formed and a product or service that the company will offer in the market is already known, one thing is missing -…

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Choose a website builder with free hosting and domain
Which designer to choose? For those who want to create a high-level site, the uKit service will be the best option. He has everything in order with the functionality, there…


Duplicate popular

Moguta CMS Review

In 2015, we launched a series of review articles on various management systems (CMS) for online stores, where we looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each CMS.

Here is what we have already seen in the 3 previous articles:

Part 1: Nethouse, HostCMS, Simpla and 1C-Bitrix

Part 2: InSales, OpenCart, CS-Cart and WordPress

Part 3: PrestaShop, Diafan.CMS, AdvantShop, VirtueMart Continue reading

What not to forget, taking the site layout from the designer, or there are no trifles
What not to forget, taking the site layout from the designer, or there are no trifles January 9, 2018 Website development 4.9K 12 min. five The finished design layout of…


How much does it cost to create an online store site?
An online store is a serious site that needs to be well protected, because customers' transactions will pass through it. Therefore, its creation should be approached with maximum attention. There…


Free hosting with PHP and MySQL - myth or reality?
Creating the first site, people usually try not to invest a lot of money in it. Therefore, the priority of solutions that do not require financial investments: free tariff on…
