Accepting payments on the site: what you need to know and how to set up
The question of accepting payments arises before each owner of an online store - starting with the choice of payment methods and ending with their connection to the site. You…

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How much does it cost to create a site from scratch. Make yourself or order turnkey?
Create a site from scratch It may take a long time between the idea of ​​creating a site and launching the first site. The choice of the method of creation…

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404 error - a selection of beautiful pages, tips for improvement
“Error 404 or Not Found (not found) —the standard HTTP response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server cannot find data as…


Free hosting - advantages and disadvantages
Entrepreneurial people sooner or later have to create a personal website, forum, etc. In order for the subscribers of the network to use their projects, the sites must be placed…

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SEO website design: how to create a website ready for promotion?
A very common situation today: we spent a decent budget for creating a website, the resource looks attractive and it seems to even work, but it’s on the N-th page.…


non-thematic layout

How to create a website cleaning company

Good site cleaning company – what is it?
To discover the recipe for creating a good site, you will have to revise dozens of pages of competitors. They can spy at least the structure, but do not blindly copy it – there is always an option how to do better. If you do not have time to research competitors, then here is a standard set of sections of the sites of different cleaning companies. Continue reading

Mini FAQ on domain names
Buying and choosing the right domain name is the first step in creating and developing any site. We have collected detailed information so that you can easily understand this issue.…


Forum or comments: what is better for business?
In the process of developing the company's website at a certain point, the challenge arises - we need a constant influx of fresh, relevant and unique content. He really likes…


How to create a landing page cheap
When you stumbled across the Internet on another one-page site with beautiful design, effects and animation, you might think - “How much does it cost?”. Turning to the page of…
